The Best  Apple Galette

Only 9 Main Ingredients

Why You'll Love  This Apple Galette

Easy to follow  recipe

Perfect for any occasion!

Uses homemade or store-bought crust


flour sugar brown sugar salt butter lemon cinnamon apples cornstarch

Start by making the easiest pie dough  ever right in your  food processor  (store-bought is fine!)

Wrap the dough and let it rest while you make your streusel and your apple filling

The streusel is simply flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt mixed with softened butter

Then you'll toss your apples with cinnamon, a little lemon juice, and a bit of cornstarch

Roll out your dough into a big circle

Layer on your apples and dot with butter

Sprinkle on your streusel and fold up the edges of the dough to hug your apple filling

Brush the edges of the dough with an egg wash and bake until golden and bubbly

