The Best Cheddar and Chive Biscuits

Only 10  Ingredients, including so much cheddar!

Why You'll Love  These Biscuits

Super flaky

Ready in less than  30 minutes!

Tender and fluffy


all-purpose flour baking powder baking soda sugar salt unsalted butter cheddar cheese chives buttermilk egg

To get the flakiest Cheddar Chive Biscuits use a "finger snapping" motion to cut the butter into the dry ingredients.

Add in cheddar cheese and chives and toss thoroughly to ensure they are evenly distributed in the biscuits

Pour in your cold buttermilk and mix into a shaggy dough

My "cut and stack" technique (described fully in the recipe post) helps build all those  flaky layers!

Cut out your biscuits by pushing your biscuit cutter straight down and pulling straight back up. Don't twist it or you will seal the edges, preventing  your biscuits from  fully rising.

Brushing your biscuits with an egg wash   ensures a golden brown and shiny top.

Bake for 18 to 20 minutes at 450°F and enjoy the Flaky Cheddar Chive Biscuits of your dreams!